Talking about bad customer service in Germany?? Not here and a clever move, too: some market stalls at Viktualienmarkt offer to peel your asparagus – within 5 minutes and they do it for free! You even get the peeled skin to take home for some soup…Sweet!
May 14th,
The Karstadt at Münchner Freiheit did this last year, too, I am sure they are offering it this year as well. Some people do know about service, after all. Here in Rome you get your artichokes peeled and cleaned for you, which I really appreciate!
May 14th,
I haven ´t seen that before. What a great idea!
May 14th,
I envy your proximity to fresh white asparagus. And I hope you will tell us how you ate it ;)
May 14th,
I have never seen it, I will look for it next time I am at Viktualienmarkt.
Of course, my non existing German makes every interaction a challenge, but I'll do my best!
May 14th,
Definitively a good idea! Enjoy asparagus till 24th june, date of the season end!
May 15th,
That's it, I'm leaving the U.S.! White asparagus is wonderful, customer service here - not so much. :)
May 17th,
did you think about the fact,that they peel it for because otherwise they won ´t sell it!? to me is that a kind of despiration.......not a real service!
EDIT Nicky: Why so negative, cherrylady? They sell some of the most wanted sorts and best produce, why should they be desperate? I call it cleverness and good service ;)
May 18th,
May 18th,
I hate peeling asparagus, either I break the stalks or my peeler gets clogged. I'd love this!
May 18th,
I ´m not negative- I ´m working in this buisness- so I know what I ´m talking about...
May 18th,
I never had white asparagus, what did you do with it?
May 18th,
Your making me jealous, because we can't get them here very often. Almost a reason to move back to Austria!!!!
May 19th,
I wouldn't use the peeled skin, because it's often bitter.
May 20th,
Several years ago, I remember how excited my friend was that I would be visiting her during the white asparagus season.
Her sister prepared us a simple meal of fresh boiled/steamed (?) white asparagus, peeled at the market, a drizzle of hollandaise sauce, new potatoes, and thin-sliced ham. Utterly delicious.
Looking back, I find it so wonderful that eating seasonally is so naturally ingrained in the German way of life.
May 22nd,
here at the neighborhood weekly farmer's market they are doing the same this year :-) you can buy asparagus and ask the peel to be removed :-)
May 30th,
That is such a great idea. I just had my first white asparagus of the season last Sunday and I would love to skip the peeling process if I could. Which stalls offer this??
EDIT Nicky: Hi Megan, I purchased my last one at the stall right across the Liesl-Karlstadt-fountain.
Jun 27th,
I never saw one of those white asparagi or asparagus yet. But I like the greeny ones too. Here in Italy, we steam them and eat with lightly boiled eggs. They are only good and come in spring though.
May 14th,
I've never tried white asparagus, but I would like to! Does it have different taste compared to the green one and if so how does it taste?