My name is Nicky and I love to cook. As much as I love to eat, read cookbooks, go food shopping, host dinners for dear friends and family, experiment with new recipes and – of course – talk about food, I’m not a professional chef by trade.
My day job used to revolve around design and the internet business at large, another passion of mine, but has greatly shifted over the last years towards the culinary world: today I’m in the fortunate position of being able to make a living on food-writing, food and travel photography as well as restaurant consulting.
delicious:days was launched in early 2005 and is my way of combining my passions for design and food, as well as craft tidbits about Munich, the wonderful Bavarian town we live in, our occasional travel experiences, cookbook reviews and, to cut to the chase, all things delicious.
Co-author, co-photographer and technical genius behind this site is Oliver, we’ve been living together in Munich/Haidhausen since 2000. When I first met Oliver, he owned two plates, knives, forks and one single spoon, not even a pan – although I must say, he did have a well developed taste for good restaurants. Meanwhile Oliver not only has generally increased his cooking skills quite a bit, he indeed mastered the fine art of curries, steaks and pizza dough — the results are nothing but fantastic.
Long story short, given you like it here on delicious:days, please check-in every now and then – we’d love to see you around. Perhaps you’d like to check out my first cookbook (German version on version on, my second one (Geschenkideen aus der Küche), the third one (Sweets) or my brand new one (Reisehunger)?
Your feedback and comments are always very much appreciated, alternatively we can be contacted here. Or via Twitter (@missesdelicious & @olivermuc).
Nicky & Oliver
Press, awards and other noteworthy findings
- finesse Gourmet-Magazin, Reisehunger, September/Oktober 2015
- Hessische Allgemeine, Lesehappen für Leckermäulchen, 12.10.2015
- Jolie, Urlaub auf Rezept, Oktober 2015
- Kochbuch-Couch, Kochbuch des Monats, September 2015
- Madonna, Leckerer Lesestoff, 12.September 2015
- Cosmopolitan, Geniale Rezepte, September 2015
- InStyle, Lecker Lesestoff, September 2015
- vivanty, Einmal um die Welt und zurück in die Küche, August 2015
- alle Welt, Gusto, Juli/August 2015
- Laura, Buch-Tipp, 29.07.2015
- Laviva, Die beste Medizin, Juli 2015
- selection, Entdeckungen, Juli 2015
- al dente Das Magazin für Geniesser, Gegen Fernweh, Juni 2015
- proGusto, Porträt – Buchempfehlung, Juni 2015
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, “Ich esse nichts, was mir nicht gut schmeckt”, 14.Juni 2015
- annemarie wildeisen’s Kochen, Kulinarisch auf Reisen, Juni 2015
- Sonntag Aktuell, “Überall das Beste finden”, 12.April 2015
- Münchner Merkur, Reisehunger, 27.März, 2015
- Genuss, Tagesspiegel, Mehr als Rezepte, 13.März 2015
- fine tobacco, Einmal um die Welt, März 2015
- Freundin, Kochbuchtest Reisehunger, März 2015
- Lebensmittel- & Biotechnologie, Das besondere Buch, März 2015
- RP Online, Kochbuch Tipps, 20.Februar 2015
- Rheinische Post, Essen auf Reisen, 20.Februar 2015
- Martha Stewart Living, Mein Stil, Nr.2, Juni 2014
- Börsenblatt-Spezial, Essen & Trinken, April 2014
- InStyle, Chefsachen, November 2013
- BuchMarkt Special Essen & Trinken, Blogger und Bücher, November 2013
- Lust auf Genuss, Kochen mit Linse, Löffel und Laptop, 05/2013
- Lufthansa exclusive, Sieben Fragen an: Nicole Stich, 4/2013
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Köstlich, 16./17.03.2013
- Wohnen & Ambiente, FoodNews, 4/2013
- Blogzine, 10 Fragen an Nicole Stich, 13.02.2013
- Apple iTunes Store, “Unser Tipp” Sweets von Nicole Stich, Februar 2013
- Bad & Küche, Neues Futter, 01/2013
- Glamour, Glamourama – Die Zukunft ist jetzt, Dezember 2012
- Globus, Selbst gemacht – Geschenke aus der Küche, Sommer 2012
- Fritz RBB, Geschmackssicher, 30.04.12
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Stücke vom Kuchen, 24.07.2012
- Indivly, Top 100 Food Bloggers, 08/2012
- GREY, Interview, 31.05.2012
- The BIG list of food blogs, May 2012
- Donna, Mit Löffel und Laptop, 05/2012
- re:publica, Foodblogs – Verfall oder Rettung der Esskultur, May 3 2012
- Saydaily, An Irreverent (and Delicious) Map of the Online Food World – Eat this map, February 22 2012
- Saveur, Sites We Love, February 16 2012
- ELLE Decoration Germany, Süsses zum Verschenken, December 2011
- annabelle, Popup, October 12 2011
- annabelle, Die zehn «gluschtigsten » Food-Blogs, October 2011
- NDR, Food-Blogs: Kochen im Internet, October 2011
- Lust auf Genuss, Mit schön verpackten Gaumenfreuden Freude machen, 10/2011
- Börsenblatt Extra Essen & Trinken, Das Kochbuch im Jahr 2025, September 15 2011
- Saveur, Worldwide Feast: 55 Great Global Food Blogs, September 29 2011
- medium, Häppchen-Journalismus, September 2011
- Wiener Zeitung, Kochen mit der Suchmaschine, September 49 2011
- Top 10 Food Photographers, August 04 2011
- The Independent, The 50 best food websites, July 16 2011
- Yahoo Lifestyle, Food-Blogger: Die neuen Stars am Kochtopf, July 2011
-, Die zehn besten Food-Blogs, June 27 2011
- Saveur, A Brief History of Food Blogs, May 9 2011
- Glamour, Das geht ja schon gut los, May 2011
-üddeutsche Zeitung, Das ist das Münchner Internet, April 13 2011
- Internet Intern, Weniger ist mehr, April 02/11
- Valentinas Kochbuch, Interview mit Coco Lang & Nicole Stich, February 2011
- Social Media Examiner, 10 Top Business Blogs and Why They Are Successful, January 25 2011
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Kochen 2.0, January 14 2011
- The Daily Meal, 25 Top Food Blogs – A look at the world’s most popular food blogs, November 29 2010
- Grazia, Mit dem richtigen Blog wäre das nicht passiert, November 48/2010
- Olive, Olive’s top 10 bloggers, October 2010
- nowness, Noma: A Sense of Place, October 5 2010
- Lufthansa exclusive, Goodies von Foodies, October 2010
- Saveur, Daily Fare, September 22 2010
- Il Tridente, Maserati Australia & New Zealand, GUSTO – Back to school, Winter 2010
- CNN/Eatocracy, Blogger Spotlight: delicious days, July 26 2010
- Ideales Heim/Küchen Spezial, Let’s blog! Diese sechs Food-Blogger rocken das Internet, June 2010
- healthy living, Die leckersten Seiten des Webs, June 2010
- WELT ONLINE, Ich schwöre auf Kochbücher, May 2010
- WELT KOMPAKT, Die Foodies: mit Laptop und Löffel, May 10 2010
- myself, Bitte lesen! Mein Leben im Blog, April 2010
- Olive, Websites and blogs that inspire us, February 2010
- NZZ am Sonntag, Das sind die besten Foodblogs, January 2010
- essen & trinken, Was vom Teller übrig blieb, December 2009
- ZEHN.DE, Die 10 interessantesten Foodblogs aus dem deutschen Sprachraum, December 2009
- GU-Magazin, Weißt du noch…?, December 2009
- Kulinarischer Report 2009/2010, Warum Kochbuchverlage Foodblogs ernst nehmen sollten, October 2009
- BMW Magazin connect, Best of Blog, September 2009
- GOURMET, Favorite Food Sites, September 2009
- Rheinischer Merkur, Jeder darf mal draufhauen, September 24 2009
- Saveur, Best of the web, August 2009
- Der Tagesspiegel, Ein Blick in den Blog-Topf, July 26 2009
- Viralogy, The Top 20 Food Blogs That’ll Make You Hungry, July 14 2009
- TIMESONLINE, Meet the Food Bloggers: Delicious Days, June 9 2009
- Wirtschaftswoche fivetonine, Blog-Schokolade, March 2009
- Sunday Tribune, Food Notes, March 1 2009
- Der Neue Tag, Delicious days mit Nicole Stich, February 23 2009
- TIMESONLINE, 50 of the world’s best food blogs, February 17 2009
- Welt am Sonntag, Mit Oma Luise fing alles an, February 15 2009
- saisonküche, Ich bin eine Spontanköchin, February 2009
- essen & trinken, Das Blog-Buch, February 2009
- Wienerin, Gourmetclips, February 2009
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Wold Wide Wurstsalat, February 1 2009
- woman, Vom Foodblog zum eigenen Buch, January 30 2009
- Maxima, Schön & Gut, January/February 2009
- Madame, Glück aus dem Kochtopf, January 2009
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Auslese Kunterbunt, January 25 2009
- ELLE BISTRO, kennen lernen, December/January 2008/2009
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Das Münchner Web-ABC, December 16 2008
- al dente, Bücher zum Verschenken, December 2008
- Lufthansa, Für die Mama, December 2008
- Berliner Kurier, Last-minute-Menüs für die Feiertage, December 8 2008
- Prinz München, Süsse Küsse vergehen …, September 2008
- Petra, Neu: (B)logbuch, September 2008
- Bioboom, Begeisterte Esserin, Fall 2008
- Syrup Magazine, The wonderful and delicious world of foodblogs, April 2008
- Real Simple, Design Blogs That Inspire, April 2008
-, April 21 2008
- IGOYOUGO, 14 Foodie Travel Blogs To Savor, March 18 2008
- Who’s Cooking What Online,, February 21 2008
- Foodblogs setzen frühzeitig Trends, Nr.49, December 2007
- Es dampft, Süddeutsche Zeitung, December 2007
- Nickys Mohnkuchen im Glas, Hessischer Rundfunk, December 09 2007
- Gräfe und Unzer startet Kochportal,, October 12 2007
- Verführung zum Kochen, c’t, October 2007
- Wir verraten unsere süssen Geheimnisse, COSMOPOLITAN, October 2007
- Blog und Buch müssen sich nicht kannibalisieren, buchreport.spezial, September 2007
- Nickys Mohnkuchen im Glas, ICH KOCHE… – Sebastian Dickhaut, September 2007
- The Best Blogs on the Web, AOL News/Switched, June 2007
- Digitale Boheme, Lufthansa Exclusive, June 2007
- Blog News & Reviews, Fitness Magazine, June 2007
- Kulinarische Tagebücher,, May 2007
- foodie file, delicious. magazine, April 2007
- Beruf: Gourmet-Bloggerin, Spiegel Online, March 2007
- Culinary blogs without borders, ViaMichelin, March 2007
- Top 50 Food Websites, The Independent, February 2007
- Design work, props & test kitchen, Basic Cooking 2, February 2007
- Finalist in the 2007 Weblog Awards (Bloggies 2007) for Best European Weblog, January/February 2007
- 2007’s new restaurants and trends, Olive, January 2007
- DIE, October 2006
- venus zine no.29, September 2006
- 50 Coolest Websites of 2006, Time Magazine, August 2006
- Chicago Press, July 2006
- ELLE Eten, Netherlands, March 2006
- Finalist in the 2006 Weblog Awards (Bloggies 2006) for Best Food Weblog & Best-Designed Weblog, January/February 2006
- “Netdiver Best of the Year 2005” selection, February 2006
- 2005 Food Blog Awards: awarded for Best New Blog, January 2006
- Interviewed by PSFK Global Trends Collaborative and trnd, November 2005
- Featured on the following design portals: Netdiver, webcreme, CSS Mania, screenspire,
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s your blog software and what theme are you using?
I want to start a food blog, how do I do that? Can you advice me on how to make my blog famous?
But I learned more about it every day, which was in fact half the fun. There is no shortcut to building a large and loyal readership, people will come back to your blog if they like what they see and read. Be authentic, enjoy what you are doing, deliver quality to your readers and don’t become fixated on blog stats.
Also, this article might be a good starting point.
Can I link to your site? How do I get linked on delicious:days?
On the other hand: You don’t have to ask my permission to link to delicious:days.
What camera do you use to take your photos?
Why does the layout look all weird on my browser?
I can’t see your photo slide shows?
Some of your recipes only have grams, but I need cups/spoons?
If you are serious about cooking (& especially baking!) and love to use recipes and cookbooks from different countries, you should really consider not only getting a set of cups and spoons, but also a scale for exact measuring. A good one can even convert grams to ounces and vice versa.
Can I substitute “xx” for “yy” in one of your recipes?
Fortune favors the brave but not the stupid: doing a little online research in advance usually gives a quick feel, for what works and what doesn’t.
Photography, design and layout (including all graphical elements) is property of delicious:days and reuse is not permitted whatsoever. No hot-linking of images. Any distribution with intention to profit is not permitted without prior written permission. You can contact us via email at blog [at] deliciousdays [dot] com.
Things change. All links posted have been verified at the time, but I can’t take responsibility for their content thereafter. If you find broken links, or linked content that obviously has no relation to the post anymore please do inform me. I try to keep this blog as up-to-date as time permits. On the same note, I’m writing with the best intentions in mind from my personal view point. All reviews posted, I attempt to keep as objective as possible and all non-original content, I attempt to research to the best of my knowledge including quotes etc.
I consider my blog to be a friendly place just like my own living room, therefore I don’t accept any harsh or disrespecting comments — they will be deleted within a blink of an eye. Comments which solely have the intention to advertise will be treated the same way. I can’t take responsibility for the featured recipes and correctness of their content, although I try to be as precise as possible. I reserve the right to change parts (especially recipes) or all of the content without separated announcement, to supplement, to delete parts, temporarily or finally shut down this site.
Sponsoring & Reviews
Would you do cookbook reviews?
You can contact us via blog [at] deliciousdays [dot] com
Can we send you our newsletter?
How about advertising and sponsoring?
If we’re not convinced or feel that the ad isn’t appropriate, we won’t run it.
Everything else