If you don’t mind 10 to 15 minutes of prep work, these noodles might save some hungry souls in your home, too. They can be dressed with almost every kind of semi-neglected vegetables in your fridge drawer, but the cabbage & carrot version is so good, this bowl has become the prime reason for me to drag home a head of pointed cabbage.
The very last weeks before the cookbook finally hits the shelves are my favorite. The work is done, no more pondering over whether you should change this or that, no emergency calls from your editor. Combined with the thrill of anticipation, it’s a wonderful, though slightly nervous feeling, that you can not really put your finger on.
What do you typically look out for on a Christmas cookie plate, that is offered to you? Is it the fancy sugar cookie coated in brightly coloured icing with glittering pearls? Or something rather plain, like jam-filles sablés, spritz cookies or Vanillekipferl? I probably gave it away already, but I almost always opt for the later, and there is a good reason for it.
Hey there! I missed you! You may have guessed it already, I am most definitely not a multi-tasker. Certainly when it comes to shooting a cookbook and blogging at the same time. It just doesn’t work for me, I tried, I really did, several times. Approaching the last few cycles, I finally managed to escape my parallel universe consisting of my kitchen, pantry and props storage. Food shopping, styling, cooking or baking, food styling, shooting, doing the dishes, post-processing — and again. And again. Close to 100 times.