Shiok Singapur - My cookbook no.5 | Sep 9th, 2018 |
…and the most intense cookbook production for my brand new book Shiok Singapur has taken its toll…
Almost there - Reisehunger, my 4th cookbook | Jan 14th, 2015 |
The very last weeks before the cookbook finally hits the shelves are my favorite. The work is done, no more pondering over whether you should change this or that…
My Fourth Cookbook - A Parallel Universe | Nov 5th, 2014 |
Hey there! I missed you! You may have guessed it already, I am most definitely not a multi-tasker. Certainly when it comes to shooting a cookbook and blogging at the same time. It just doesn’t work for me, I tried, I really did, several times. Approaching the last few cycles, I finally managed to escape […]
Scarlet Rose and Berry Pudding - "Bakeless Sweets" by Faith Durand | Jul 6th, 2013 |
“Bakeless Sweets”, the complete title covers everything from pudding, budino, jelly to panna cotta, icebox cake, mousse and so much more – both classics and modern recipes alike. Perfect for those hot summer months, when heating the oven is not an option.