German Thanksgiving, and the water kettle thing | Nov 24th, 2007 |
‘Got to start the day off properly, first things come first: coffee (or Cortado or hot chocolate or fresh carrot-orange juice) at Cafe Solo Bar, our friend Kristin’s coffee bar – door to door 67 steps. I counted.
Brussels sprouts all over! | Nov 20th, 2007 |
Little miniatures of their larger cabbage brothers, it’s hard to not love these leafy green cuties – but not quite impossible. They were my childhood’s nightmare, an acquired taste coming at costs I wasn’t will to pay.
An army of pink, green and yellow | Nov 12th, 2007 |
You wouldn’t find it in my shopping basket, so I thought, until I spotted a beautiful photo in said magazine showing a glas bowl filled with cute colorful meringue bites, using instant jello powder.
Sticky Pig Candy Stripes | Nov 3rd, 2007 |
For me the term pig candy is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Culinary wise, I do love most pig parts, albeit there are some I’m not too fond of. But turning pig into a candy bar, sounds a bit off, doesn’t it?!